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Allen Wrench Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Allen Wrench cannabis seeds online
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Allen Wrench Reviews

What do people have to say about Allen Wrench? Read reviews on Allen Wrench and know what Allen Wrench is all about. Do you have experience with Allen Wrench? Write your own review and help other people out!

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  • 8 reviews

  • 88% recommends Allen Wrench

  • Last review on 2025-03-19





And then there's Allen Wrench. When it comes to the Wrench, don't flail around with grams: go right for an eighter. You'll appreciate the bag of High Times centerfold buds -- compact, rippled with red hairs and powdered with a dusting of white crystals; this is some of da kind that demands your attention. Don't just snap off a bud and cram it in your pipe, you fucking Philistine! No, stop and admire. Breathe in the chemically scent. Give it the ol' pinch-test for density. THEN cram it in your pipe and smoke it! 15 minutes later when you're laughing your ass off at "Action Bronson Watches Ancient Aliens", try to give a fuck about something. Protip: you won't be able to! That's because Allen Wrench absorbs 10,000 times its own weight in fucks! Dinner's three hours late? Don't give a fuck. Car's being re-possessed? Don't give a fuck. Cat's speaking Swahili and your third eye is now projecting Dan Deacon videos? I told you to lay off those bathsalts, motherfucker! Who needs that shit when you've got a miracle like Allen Wrench smouldering in your pipe? Hit that shit quick before it all goes up in smoke! "Waste not the Allen," sayth the dude sitting to your right who has been waiting for you to pass that pipe since you started reading this shit. And do you give a fuck? No? Exactly.

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(Very) Novice smoker here. The first time I smoked Allen Wrench, it was a fat joint that put me into a strange, trippy, dissociative state. It was exceedingly bizarre, and probably won't even sound plausible if I wrote about it here. Anyways, I took a shower, crashed, and was fine the next day. I'll chalk that up to being an inexperienced smoker with a super dank strain. The next time I smoked it, I was sure to smoke far less, and damn it was incredible. I'd been procrastinating hard on writing for the past two days, and a joint of Allen Wrench simply put me into an extremely focused, creative, and intellectual state. It was a breeze to blast through all of the work I had in front of me, in an original, creative way. Incredible. I'll forget the past bad experience just because of this. My mouth was dry as the Gobi Desert though.

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Aguacaliente (San Francisco)


It's like smoking a massively trippy strain while drinking a giant red bull. So much energy and quick intelligent internal dialogue. Yet there is a relaxing mental buzz that makes you feel good even through the jitteryness. This was much stronger than I expected and a lot of fun. I would not recommend it for sleep at all. This is for staying up late watching science documentaries and contemplating the universe. Also meditation is so amazing with this strain.

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"You're hired!" "Oh my god! Fuck yes! ...errr.. I mean.. thank you, sir. You won't be disappointed." You walk out the door. You walk towards the elevator. Your happiness rises inside of you, getting ready to burst. The elevator doors open, you walk in, and you're the only one inside. So you know what that means. The elevator doors close. DANCE PARTY!!! *oonse oonse oonse oonse oonse oonse oonse* Elevator doors upon. Calmly whistle while you walk out into a crowd of people like you weren't doing the I-Just-Got-the-Job-I-Wanted dance. You step outside, and the world is brighter, more serene. Every color magnified. Every peaceful moment captured at once. You did it! A life goal is under your belt, and it's all thanks to your hard work and dedication. You begin to walk home with a spring in your step. A euphoric motivational force drives you forward. You know where you stand. What you have accomplished and what you will accomplish. Nothing can stand in your way. And when you finally get home, you sit down, relax, and and enjoy the bliss of your existence with a big ass celebratory bowl of weed.

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Patrick Sellers

Northern Mariana Islands


Strain: Allen Wrench (Trainwreck / NYC Diesel cross -- Sativa) THC: 21.64% CBD: 0.08% Location found: KaLeafa Date purchased: 4.5.16 Price: $40.50 for a ΒΌ ($45.00 with -10% off on Thursdays...no longer -20% :( ) Weight: 7.0g crammed into a small container Method of Consumption: Herb Iron and small bong Smell: The smell was the main reason I went home with this strain. It is an awesome blend of heritages. Mexican, Thai, Hawaiian and various Afghani landraces. To quantify the smell it has to be initial smell and then upon deeper inhale. At first it was a pungent, earthy light fruit smell. Then it had a bit of pine and tiny hint of almost berries. Look: Very kif coated nugs that were very light green with tiny orange hairs. Not a very good trim job. Taste: More complex than the aroma. Heavy Afghani flavor with the earthy back-tones. I do love the earthy flavor with the hints of berry and SourD in the background. Recommendation for medicine: A nice mellow high in the beginning and it did creep in and slowed me down as it worked its way through. I enjoyed it for some pain relief, it was fairly uplifting and good for PTSD.

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this strain should come with a warning: not for anyone but the biggest sativa fans. people prone to anxiety may be made uncomfortable by the intensely jittery, mental (as in 'really get into your head') qualities of this strain. in my experience (70+ strains), and being a 'sativa guy' for the most part, I haven't encountered a more energizing, jittery strain. cinex is the closest I've tried, and it's still nowhere near as 'head-y'. assuming you're comfortable with this type of weed, don't have a tendency to think doom-y, paranoid thoughts, and want the equivalent of a triple shot of espresso, this belongs in your tool kit, to be used when you want a serious jolt. this one also seems to be analgesic...

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Audrey Meyers

Bouvet Island


Does exactly what it's supposed to do. I was getting a bit stressed and needed something to calm me down while cheer me up and this was exactly what I need. Everything was great during my high and I was also still productive! Allen Wrench is now my favorite strain.

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Congo (Brazzaville)


Initially, I would have given this strain a lower rating if it were not for the complex taste, aroma, and sneaky psycho affects that almost wrap your cerebral in a warm, comforting blanket. The flower itself was unappealing (which could be attributed to the flushing and curing) yet effective in its yield and the accumulation of keif. I was impressively surprised how relaxing it was though there were no indica-dominant characteristics I was aware of. Dug around and found this strain to produce a good amount of CBD benefits, but unfortunately it's catered to specific growers and treatment methods...so toss up with my batch. Overall, good strain and recommend to anyone who comes home from work and wants to take a load off...just make sure you have your munchies ready. It sneaks up on you too! #BBQLover

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