Buy Allen Wrench seeds online with Seedsbay. Here you will find detailed information on the Allen Wrench cannabis seeds, from specifications and reviews to flavors and effects. We have listed every seedshop where you can buy Allen Wrench seeds along their offers. Compare prices on Allen Wrench seeds and get the best deal for yourself!
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Unfortunatly, there are no offers available to buy Allen Wrench seeds. Do you know a seedshop selling Allen Wrench seeds? Send us a message and we will add the offer as soon as possible.
Read the Allen Wrench seed specifications in the table below. The values may vary between the different seedbanks where you can buy Allen Wrench seeds.
Variety | 20% Indica and 80% Sativa |
THC level | 20.5% |
CBD Level | Low |
Allen Wrench is a strain which is a dominant sativa variety and has a THC percentage of 20.5%. This strain has a low percentage of CBD. Allen Wrench has similarities with NYC Diesel and Trainwreck and is a combination of 20% indica and 80% sativa. Grow Allen Wrench seeds and get a fine marijuana plant with generous crops. Grow Allen Wrench seeds into a nice and bushy marijuana plant, the Allen Wrench has an average flowering time.
The Allen Wrench has a Citrus, Lemon, Earthy, Pungent and Woody taste and the allen wrench has a focused, hungry, energetic, uplifted and happy effects.You cannot buy Allen Wrench seeds in one single seedbank on the internet, as soon as we know a shop which are selling Allen Wrench seeds, we will post it here.
Is it good to know what the flavor of Allen Wrench is before you buy Allen Wrench seeds online. It said Allen Wrench tastes mostly like:
You want to buy Allen Wrench seeds? Get yourself informed about the effects of the Allen Wrench strain. Allen Wrench is known for the following effects:
Read what other people has to say about Allen Wrench seeds.
And then there's Allen Wrench. When it comes to the Wrench, don't flail around with grams: go right for an eighter. You'll appreciate the bag of High Times centerfold buds -- compact, rippled with red hairs and powdered with a dusting of white crystals; this is some of da kind that demands your attention. Don't just snap off a bud and cram it in your pipe, you fucking Philistine! No, stop and admire. Breathe in the chemically scent. Give it the ol' pinch-test for density. THEN cram it in your pipe and smoke it! 15 minutes later when you're laughing your ass off at "Action Bronson Watches Ancient Aliens", try to give a fuck about something. Protip: you won't be able to! That's because Allen Wrench absorbs 10,000 times its own weight in fucks! Dinner's three hours late? Don't give a fuck. Car's being re-possessed? Don't give a fuck. Cat's speaking Swahili and your third eye is now projecting Dan Deacon videos? I told you to lay off those bathsalts, motherfucker! Who needs that shit when you've got a miracle like Allen Wrench smouldering in your pipe? Hit that shit quick before it all goes up in smoke! "Waste not the Allen," sayth the dude sitting to your right who has been waiting for you to pass that pipe since you started reading this shit. And do you give a fuck? No? Exactly.
(Very) Novice smoker here. The first time I smoked Allen Wrench, it was a fat joint that put me into a strange, trippy, dissociative state. It was exceedingly bizarre, and probably won't even sound plausible if I wrote about it here. Anyways, I took a shower, crashed, and was fine the next day. I'll chalk that up to being an inexperienced smoker with a super dank strain. The next time I smoked it, I was sure to smoke far less, and damn it was incredible. I'd been procrastinating hard on writing for the past two days, and a joint of Allen Wrench simply put me into an extremely focused, creative, and intellectual state. It was a breeze to blast through all of the work I had in front of me, in an original, creative way. Incredible. I'll forget the past bad experience just because of this. My mouth was dry as the Gobi Desert though.