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Willy's Wonder Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Willy's Wonder cannabis seeds online
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Willy's Wonder Reviews

What do people have to say about Willy's Wonder? Read reviews on Willy's Wonder and know what Willy's Wonder is all about. Do you have experience with Willy's Wonder? Write your own review and help other people out!

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  • 9 reviews

  • 89% recommends Willy's Wonder

  • Last review on 2025-03-31





ooooo weeee. Powerful and fun. Makes doing things around the house in the evening way more interesting. You can be amazingly high on Wiily's Wonder yet you can still focus and be efficient. I didn't smoke that much of it and yet I'm bombasted....in a good way. You just feel super euphoric. Love this strain. For me it's an in the house strain because it takes highness to a whole new level. I keep forgetting to blink my eyes and I didn't even finish a medium size joint....

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Russian Federation


I had a stomach ache and tried this. My stomach was fine instantly, but my head was spinning. I was looking up information on the strain when I was smoking it and was very focused, so focused I forgot to put it down for a few. I thought this would be a good day time smoke, but I don't feel "sleepy" but I do feel like I can't move around much. So, I'd smoke for pain and nausea but not sleep. I don't know how well I'd function in groups of people, seems like a giggling type, but very dizzy on the head. Tingles in the arms as well with 1 joint, heavy hitter. Sharpens eye sight and it does make you giggle. Helps with libido issues as well!

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Petter Staffansson



Willy's Wonder (aka William's Wonder) is an indica dominant hybrid that has that wonderful, dank aroma. I'm an indica connoisseur and have tried many, so I approached Willy's Wonder with high expectations. Sadly, I didn't find much spectacular about it. It's really good, and the quality is excellent, but for me it was "just another indica hybrid" and nothing special (like Hindu Kush). It's excellent for nighttime use and I highly recommend it for those with insomnia. It's strong, and has a nice body high, relieving pain instantly, but for me it left me heavy-headed and feeling a bit stupid, and each time I've used it I get the worst indica-hangover I've ever had. The next morning my brain is foggy and thick. Overall, Willy's Wonder is a good strain for pain and sleep, but it's nothing too special, but that's just my opinion. The thing that will prevent me from purchasing it again is the powerful, strong, next-morning hangover. I have enough trouble with mornings, I don't need to wake up even more foggy!

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Dario Gómez



Best strain I've come across for my mental issues. Also works great for cramps. Looks and smells good too, but nothing too exciting. I will buy this over any strain tho, and I highly recommend it for pain help w/o the sleepiness, as well as for people who have issues with paranoia or anxiety from consumption

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Cristiàn Molina



I was sitting out back, looking at the sky and thinking about how a young Native American girl could have lived in the exact same place I live now only hundreds of millions of years ago. it would have sucked so bad to live in Phoenix with no AC and then the life only got worse for them. how sad. it's embarrassing to be human. why are people so greedy and self centered? I need another hit, a big one.

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Maria Svensson



Either extremely horny or extremely hungry; great experience though!

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Woodlands County


ooooo weeee. Powerful and fun. Makes doing things around the house in the evening way more interesting. You can be amazingly high on Wiily's Wonder yet you can still focus and be efficient. I didn't smoke that much of it and yet I'm bombasted....in a good way. You just feel super euphoric. Love this strain. For me it's an in the house strain because it takes highness to a whole new level. I keep forgetting to blink my eyes and I didn't even finish a medium size joint....

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Grand Rapids


Williams wonder is a great strain that manages to hit upon all things that make people want to medicate using marijuana. It is a great hybrid that manages to help your mind and body feel releaxed and at one with eachother. The aroma reminds me of how fresh and fragrant pacific northwest trees smell. The taste is minty and forestry as the scent would imply. I would recommend this strain for anyone that wants the whole package mind and body.

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Diego Pagano



great strain for anxiety. a good strong body buzz and a clean head high, Williams Wonder is like smoking Valium. it seems to react well to any activity, not a couch lock-'er' unless that's where you are!

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