oh yeah, it comes in a few varieties. grease ball, tuna call, you hide my tuna fish at the bottom of sword steak salad, and all afternoon you complain there is no lunch, but punch I got gasoline in my eye, hope Cena spinach and saw ditch to the west coast, for the flowerings me at chautauqua park, mucho gusto and no me just an on the extra dressing, just enough in my tank to top of the whole banana plug, I thought I would make it home on pure imagination, but I huffed and I puffed, and the carbonator almost split in two, but back to station for two more views of snicker bars, and milky way curls, just for one armband, a broken down scalar, four sugar frosted sweet cakes, a late eye sustain, two oreo s shaped like the statue and more dismay world carburetor.
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