Coming from an individual that loves sativas, this strain is ridiculous and worth every penny, even $60 an 1/8th if the price was that high. The high that's created is extremely euphoric and 'clean' in feel. It is focused, highly energetic which makes your mind race to the point where you have mild hallucinations about wherever your mind wants to go and these illusions are highly dopamine inducing to the point where you have no care and are on cloud 9 and NOTHING will ruin your moment albeit lasting about 3 hours, but, you are are totally focused while on this strain and can complete any task. I cannot stress to you how energetic and 'cracky' this strain is, it makes you 'think' , but that 'thinking' is your brain in the background if that makes sense thinking about the wildest stuff imaginable, in seriousness this strain makes you hallucinate, it is awesome! You are totally in control of your every action, no studdering or nervousness here in any way, and I'll tell you that I suffer from moderate anxiety which if I'm experiencing I have a very hard time speaking and I'll studder, and after I smoke this flower I have total confidence, control, cool as a cucumber and experience total euphoria, no joke. This strain amps me out so bad that I sweat profusely under my arms. Also, I have never smoked a flower like this one that produces massive munchies! I'm kinda a health nut, and the first time that I had smoked this stuff I ate Capriotti's subs and KFC, in the same night, on 2 separate visits. The odor and taste is top notch, it literally smells like the zest of a lemon when sniffed up close, the taste when burned is equally as appealing but subdued. I would say the best strain that I've ever experienced, A-1+...
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