Sour D has been one of my favorite strains since I first began smoking. Because of that, it is literally my model for a good sativa, with a quality of high that truly sets the standard.
The bud is predominantly light green, with some light brown hairs visible. Its scent reminds me of sappy wood. The smoke was very smooth- I was able to singlehandedly roach the entire joint to nothing without a single cough (possibly due to the craftsmanship of the particular grower).
The strain leaves me clear-headed, giggly, and awestruck, almost reminding me of the onset from stronger psychedelics. Aside from a slight tremor of the body, the effects are 100% mental. This is the only strain that has ever given me true closed eye visuals and full blown mental imagery. I felt almost disconnected from my body, and my pain was very well managed.
I suggest this for: Pain, depression, or spiritual use.
I can't recommend it to lightweights, or for multitasking, as it can often result in a "+++" experience. Don't drive.
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