nice nugs, a little moist. first time checking it out. made 14g of oil and it kept leering at me crom the oil slick pad. " hey daddy, i know you can smell it."
do what?
i swear to god i heard her say something.
"oooh, daddy......come over here and get yer nose all up in it."
im not even ripped in the least, and there's no TV or music on in the background, i live alone, and gracie the pit bull rarely speaks. what the fuck is that voice?
"im just a little flower....
dont be afraid......"
i opened my mouth and took her inside of me, and she was warm, and she was fuzzy, and i mowed the yard cradled in her sweet, semi narcotic embrace. i dozed of after in the shade of a pecan tree to the smell of freshly cut grass, and gracie and i were happy in the warm texas sun.
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