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Narnia Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Narnia cannabis seeds online
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Narnia Reviews

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  • 8 reviews

  • 100% recommends Narnia

  • Last review on 2025-03-07


Arthur Duke



This may be the best bud I ever smoked. It's hard to measure what qualities go into that assertions, but the two that come to mind are how high and how long? I'll admit I've been higher, but I don't recall enjoying being this high this much. Off a single hit, two hours later, and I'm still comfortably numb. Those two facts should bring a smile to your face, but now let me introduce you to the downside of this wonderweed: you can't find this shit ANYWHERE! I live in Seattle where every other business is a pot shop, yet I could only find this bud in a single store. The bud-tender knew her shit when she told me this was her favorite smoke. At least, I assume she was being honest there. I dunno why she'd lie about something like that unless the train of thought went something like, "This guy's a total rube; I'm going to sell him some high-quality cannabis that he'll absolutely love so that when he comes back seeking more, I'll get to observe the crushed expression on his rube face when I tell him we're totally out and will never get anymore!" Or something like that. I dunno, people are fucked up, so you never know. But I trust budtenders because if there's one thing a stoner will never lie to you about, it's good pot. I may not be a budtender; I may just be some random stoned guy on the internet, but I'll tell you true: this is some seriously good weed. If you can find it.

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Snagged some 'Chronic of Narnia' while in Oregon. I'm not sure how this strain was labeled an as indica but it was. As for the appearance these buds were medium size, dense, slightly purple nugs, heavily trichomed. Gorgeous really. The taste and smell matched, sweet floral notes with a nice earthy-ness. The effects are complex but I studied the high and found the following; There was absolutely zero sedation. The pain relieving qualities really stood out, but I preferred being on my feet. However I had a remarkably clear head. So I could see where one miiiight call this indica dominant but I really felt it was evenly balanced. 9/10

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This is one of my all time favorites. It knocked out all pain and gave focus. I could chill or go hiking with this, it was really versatile and enjoyable all around.

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A little bumpy/harsh high at first with a little dizziness and auditory hallucinations, but eases up into something really special. Food tastes amazing. Music is incredible. I was dancing around my apartment for the last 30 minutes while munching on veggies and chocolate.

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I really wanted to say that this gimmicky name was a gimmick for another over-hyped and gimmicky strain. I tried really hard to hold on to that pessimism. And if nothing but to overcome my own personal pride, I will admit that this is probably the finest indica I have seen in quite some time. It's absolutely among the finest indicas you'll find anywhere in this state (Oregon). And most importantly - this is the perfect example to illustrate a point I try to make all the time. People often think- indica is a downer, sativa is an upper. It is often true. Its most definitely not the rule. Many indicas are pure, cerebral head highs that reverberate throughout the body. This is one of those strains. Cannabis is just too complicated to label it on such a binary scale. This strain is the first strain in a very long time that reminds me of the very first time I smoked weed. And to whomever created this hybrid, I would like to thank you.

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It’s been awhile since I had been to a dispensary. I was overjoyed to learn that a dispensary had opened up near my childhood town that I had just recently relocated to. The Gallery - Spanaway is my new stop for my marijuana needs. A strain recommended to my wife by one of the Budtenders, she picked up this Sativa-dominant cross of Jack Herer (Sativa) and Trainwreck (Hybrid). We instantly fell in love with the strain called Narnia when we found out that Soul Shine Cannabis of Renton, WA donates a portion of all proceeds to homeless & neglected animals. It wasn’t until later that we discovered it was a cross of some of my favourite strains. The rich citrus, spice, and slight sweetness gives it a tangy flavour; the flower grinds nicely, still leaving mass trichomes in the light fluffy ground bud. The look and the smell are enough to put you in the right mood. Once smoked, I felt incredibly at peace. It brought my mood up, it made me want to get out of bed for the first time in days, and it reconnected me to the world around me. Both my wife and I just kind of let out a sigh of, “thank goodness that weight is off my chest”. The second time I smoked, I had an absolutely transcendent experience that I shared with no one but myself. I smoked a few hits from my bong, determined to get some housework done; I turned my music up loud over the bluetooth speakers and prepared myself to tackle the mess. It was the music stole me away, and I danced around in my knickers; alone; but free. Every note flowed through me and for three and a half minutes I let everything go. High, transcending, I was me. And to top it all off I tackled every single dish afterward as I breathed in and out deeply for the first time in what felt like an eternity. So, yes, this is my favourite weed. But this is my experience and my experience alone.

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Great taste. Great mind high. A fun silly high that will make you want to take on the world! Or take on some internet browsing. :)

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Narnia is an amazing sativa mix of two of my favorite strains: Trainwreck and Jack Herer. One gloomy gray day, I was unable to shake the melancholy. I smoked some Narnia in my bong and went into the wardrobe. Soon, my mood began to improve. I felt uplifted, creative and inspired. I painted. I exercised. I danced. I wrote. I planned for success. Along the way, I had a few bouts of paranoia, but I dealt with with them and learned from them. I exited the wardrobe feeling like a refreshed, grateful and hopeful person. This is a helpful strain for anyone battling depression/ lethargy/apathy. It is creative and mind expanding, but be careful not to over do it with Narnia, or your alternate universe could become unsettling.

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