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Lavender Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Lavender cannabis seeds online
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Lavender Reviews

What do people have to say about Lavender? Read reviews on Lavender and know what Lavender is all about. Do you have experience with Lavender? Write your own review and help other people out!

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  • 9 reviews

  • 89% recommends Lavender

  • Last review on 2025-03-25


Guy W. Mccormick



This is one of my favorite strains. Perfect for the chronic pain patient who also suffers from insomnia, muscle spasms, and anxiety, this strain does not mess around. It is very strong and you will be asleep in two hours or less. As far as I'm concerned, this is like the xyrem of medical cannabis. My sleep, pain, and anxiety have all improved since starting mmj last year, but I've yet to find anything as potent for nighttime pain and insomnia as lavender Kush. I also like sour grape and purple wreck for nighttime, but those are not quite as strong as lavender kush for insomnia, as far as I'm concerned. Even the smell of this one is strong- you'll smell it in most of your house once its out of an airtight container! It's a nice smell, kind of sweet and lavender-y. I do get the munchies with this one, but a small bowl of fruit, cup of yogurt, or small handful of sweet potato chips takes care of that- so it's not a super strong urge to eat. My eyes get a bit dry, too, but since I'm usually falling asleep by then, its not a problem. I don't know who the potheads who call this strain "weak," really are, but they're clearly not using this medicinally.

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Veronica De Rosa



Lavender Kush is an awesome Indica. Nice mellow flavor. Good for Asthma. Not harsh at all. I use a vaporizer that uses a very small amount, . Got home at about 3:00, had a tube and haven't needed to medicate again. It alleviated the ripping Fibromyalgia pains in my back quickly! Thanks to the Budtender that suggested it.

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🎵..Such a Kusshhhhy HappySilly kinda Bud!..nice for tunes & munchies with friends. Euphoric?Forgetful?Heady?Fun?..YES! Delicious In-da-couch LAVENDER, She'll sit (or lay) ya right down..💜Laziness Alert!! Tastes of SpringTime are delightful, Sun Light is dancing on my face...Another INDICA FlowerPower that lessens Depression, improves PTSD, relieves some of my Pain and Spacticity. Pretty Good SLEEP AID "rest assured"...Might buy again, prefer "the Purples." 🎶 Blessings of Canna Kindness & Divine Health, Jah🎵....

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Celeste W. Knox



Lavender Kush is an awesome Indica. Nice mellow flavor. Good for Asthma. Not harsh at all. I use a vaporizer that uses a very small amount, . Got home at about 3:00, had a tube and haven't needed to medicate again. It alleviated the ripping Fibromyalgia pains in my back quickly! Thanks to the Budtender that suggested it.

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My first time getting red eyes from MMJ. It wasn't too bad, but I've been vaping for a few months now and this is the first time. Lavender totally took away my chronic back pain and inflammation (ankylosing spondylitis). Works quickly and seems to last. I was very happy, chatty and giggly. A very pleasant head experience.

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American Samoa


Very slow come on. Feel loose and wavy. Relaxed and somewhat giddy, but too laid back to do much. Vision is clear and RICH! Everything is really cozy and satisfying. Good tingly/fizzy body high. Very able to concentrate. A buzzy, soapy, melty physical high. Great for learning...all you want to do is kick back and absorb compelling stuff. Had an utterly fabulous time reading towards the end. Probably the best strain for watching nature documentaries I've found yet...

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Romain Hubert



Pro: Smooth to smoke. Relaxed and anxious at the same time ... maybe back and forth for the first half hour, and then you immediately fall into a very relaxed and heavy state. Definitely tingle there in the beginning. You aren't wantin to do much on this - TV and Computer surfing Craigslist might be in the cards with this one. Won't even want to get up and get some food. You also feel VERY relaxed the next morning so it's great to do the night before work the next day. Con: Taste funny and long lasting on the taste. In the beginning, my heart actually started beating rapidly and I felt like I kept falling backwards. This stopped after the first 1/2 hour. I only did 3-4 hits and surely wouldn't do anymore. When: This fits my Rx for muscle spams in my neck. Warn: First 30 minutes are completely the opposite of the next 60 minutes. It was like one entire feeling for 30 minutes and then a 180 turn to the opposite. This is 4 instead of 5 stars because of the ramp-up at the beginning. It's not like Jump In Indica ... it's "Let's give you a little 10 minutes of Sativa before we let you experience Lavender."

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Camden U. Simon

Saint Kitts and Nevis


I love this strain. Seriously. I love it! Great for insomnia -- I'm usually up until about 1 AM and then up by around 7 AM for the day. After smoking this, I was asleep by 10 last night! It stops my migraines, nausea, stomach pain, and chest pain associated with stress and anxiety. It calms me right down when I feel like I'm getting overwhelmed or frustrated. Definitely a strain I will keep handy!!

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I can't keep my eyes open as I write this. This is great for those nights that you have pain and can't seem to quiet your mind. A great all-over body high. Very relaxing.

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