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Hurkle Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Hurkle cannabis seeds online
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Hurkle Reviews

What do people have to say about Hurkle? Read reviews on Hurkle and know what Hurkle is all about. Do you have experience with Hurkle? Write your own review and help other people out!

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  • 8 reviews

  • 88% recommends Hurkle

  • Last review on 2025-03-05


Chinmayananda Jain



This purple beauty took the aches and pains from my neck, shoulders and most importantly my back and carted them off to "no more worries land". Cannot say enough for the pain relief properties of this great strain. Trouble getting a hold of it, hard to find, if found stock up if possible. Clear happy mind with comfy body, perfect for day or night. Absolutely Wonderful!!!

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I've been trying to find a strain for around 6 months that would work on my fibro, but everything I tried caused severe dyskinesia, which of course just makes my pain worse. This one was the jack pot. Very mellow, left me clear headed, didn't cause the normal heartburn or coughing I get from all the other ones I've tried. Bonus points is that the body high was very slight, and I was left feeling so close to normal that I would feel comfortable using this even when my kids are awake. If you're looking to get stoned, this isn't the one for you. If you want something to kick pain's ass, and for the icing on the cake, kill your anxiety as well, this is definitely what you're looking for.

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Satyasheel Raj



Very large, dense, and sticky buds. It has a 1.6:1 CBD to THC ratio with CBD at 18% and THC at 11%. Three full capacity draws on my PAX2 and I feel relaxed, happy and less stressed but no overwhelming high or cloudyness. I feel what may be tingling across my brow. I'm giving this five stars because it helps my depression, and stress while allowing me to keep my focus.

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It is hard to believe how good these sticky buds can smell and taste. It's my 1st high CBD home grown and a complete winner. Truly evocative of Merlot wine!

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I love this strain. The 1 : 1.3 ratio of THC:CBD is perfect for me. Mine was lab tested at 6.9% THC and 9.1% CBD. It's great for pain and anxiety with a very mild indica-like high so it's useful during the day and also doesn't keep you up at night. This is great medical cannabis that works well for me. It won't appeal to recreational though users due to the low THC, high CBD ratio. That's one thing I love about cannabis, there are so many different strains with wildly different effects.

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Velma Hurkle x Mystery machine high cbd cross 1/1 THC 7% 6% cbd great strain you handle any daily stress or moving to another city high stress situation.Clear focus with balanced body great Pts strain. Picked up in Salem,Or great smell buds smelled kush,skunk,berries,and chocolate.Velma may be a plain Jane but she'll steal your heart.Taste of berries and kush on my pallets.Was worried about tincture being in a new city but this strain helped settle myself down.Gave me a night full rest.

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Great strain, gotta watch out and not smoke too much. Will definitely relax. Not like you would think. comes on slow and holds on. Enjoy!

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Penna in Teverina


superb strain! my acquisition tested at 18%CBD/11%THC...it's like taking a "flower dab"...

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