I'll give this stuff somewhere between an 8.5 and a 9.
When I heard we were picking some up two days ago, my initial reaction was a mix between curiosity and skepticism. I had never heard of 'Hog's Breath' before, and I didn't really get a, "Wow, that sounds awesome!", sensation from the name. Nonetheless, when it arrived, we loaded up the standard glass pipes, smoked a good three or four hits....and, slowly realized that our hands were too heavy to take the fifth.
The moment I received the bag I shoved my nose in, and was instantly overwhelmed by the perplexity Hog's Breath's smell. It didn't have the slightest whiff of skunk, rather a more pungent and wet odor... but it was more than that. A ghostly after-smell like faint hints of Springtime's orchards and fresh cut lawns lingered in my nose. The buds themselves were tight and dense. Small pockets of orange hairs littered the forest green nuggets, so covered with trichomes that they appear almost blurry on first glance. Still, many strains smell great and are far more intriguing to observe than this particular one, so, into the pipe it goes.
Like I said, we smoked out of normal medium-sized glass pipes, a medium bowl pack to the head. It goes down smooth but tastes kind of funky. If I had to put a description on it I would say the flavors comparable to eating a dirt-covered plant. Certainly not the best tasting bud I've had, but, it's mellow and smooth! I took a few more hits and...
It didn't really take me long at all to notice how high I was. This strain hit me hard and fairly fast, and it continues to do so after 2 days of use. About an half hour after the initial application though inhalation, my creative senses skyrocketed. I couldn't put down my guitar even to smoke a cigarette, and as a rather 'artsy fartsy' person, one of the main qualities I search for in bud is creative enhancement. Don't consider me biased though! This herb is plenty powerful enough to satisfy any connoisseur of fine Cannabis. Make sure you watch out for the cotton-mouth, (it's vicious and persistent) and I've noticed the munchies tend to come in intense spurts. Not too bad for the only downsides if you ask me.
With all that said, I wouldn't really recommend this for an amateur toker. There's a possibility they might find it to be a little overbearing. Or, they could think its awesome and have a great time. Who knows? It depends on the person.
Anyways, Hog's Breath has completely revived my faith that there are amazingly fire strains out there. I will confidently say this stuff's worth a try. It's powerful, long-lasting, and warmly euphoric, a nice complement to anyone's stash.
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