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GSC Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on GSC cannabis seeds online
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GSC Reviews

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  • 9 reviews

  • 100% recommends GSC

  • Last review on 2025-03-19


Silvia Karlsson



Sometimes you just wanna get high because getting high feels good. You don't want get loaded to write the next great American novel or shred powder up in Whistler or frag n00bs in Counter-Strike -- y'just wanna get high and groove to Pink Floyd. Well, Girl Scout Cookies knows all about your cravings for some melodious Prog Rock goodness. Have you ever heard about that thing where if you start Dark Side of the Moon at the same time as you take your first hit of GSC, you'll be high to the tits by the time Speak To Me ends and the buzz lasts about as long as The Wall? It's true! This weed loves Pink Floyd so much that it even makes the David Gilmour era stuff sound good. HAHAHAAH! Just kidding: you know as a Floyd fan that you stop listening at The Final Cut and pretend the rest of that shit never happened. Especially The Endless River -- I mean, what the fuck, Gilmour? I know Waters is a dick and everything, but as least the man can write some lyrics! Aaaaaanyway, when it comes time to put on your headphones, lean back in your chair, and become obscured by clouds, THIS is the dank-ass weed you want launching you into interstellar overdrive.

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Great strain! True to Seedsbay's description, it WILL send your mind on a helluva journey! I've had this before a few times, but it seems like this time, it really shines! I strongly recommend smoking this out of a pipe or chillum. Anything with water in it like a bubbler or a bong just cuts down on its potency. Definitely use a small bowl pipe, you don't need alot of it if you're smoking by yourself. It seems like it's similar to White Widow's effects, just more sharper and focused, and hits faster. You'll find yourself completely lost in your thoughts and still have enough functionality to get around in the house to do whatever you need to do before finally chilling and riding out the rest of the high. Like White Widow, its a great meditative strain, super-functional on the mental scale. It's like the strain has a very helpful mind of its own, guiding you closer to solutions of your own issues, kind of like what a Boy Scout or a Girl Scout would do with other people, always lending a helping hand. Learned a great deal as this somehow switched my mind around to the point it's like an ongoing Jeopardy! thing going on. All in all, GREAT time with this strain! I should definitely look into growing some of my own! Watch out for the munchies, though. If you've had alot to eat beforehand, then you should be okay. Smoke happy, friends!

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This is one of my favorite strains!!! I am a daily user and the effects for me are very strong and intense and, very enjoyable. For me, mostly a head high. It makes me talkative, happy, goofy and generally in good spirits. I could still focus on tasks, as long as they weren't too complicated. For me this is definitely a strain where you want to be in an unstructured or party environment. I would suggest using this strain for pain relief as I think it is distracting and could take your mind off your pain. I strongly encourage those who can handle the effects to use it for lack of appetite!! I gain weight when using this strain for any period of a week or more, because I always get the munchies after using it. Usually it takes two or three sessions, but after the effects are waning I become ravenous - especially for sugar and salt. Definitely one of the better strains around in my opinion.

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Thomas Staffansson



iraq war vet here, hooah. just got back from my 7th tour of duty. ever since #2 i've had severe ptsd/major depression/schizophrenia. girl scout cookies really cleared most of it up for me. these meds are best used while writing lyrics. was having a lot of pain in my body and now it is gone for as long as the meds are working. won't bring back 1st Class Private Ludin but it sure as hell made me forget about the day he left us.

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This is a treat I rarely get to experience. Upon opening the package, an all-encompassing aroma washes over me, putting a grin immediately on my face. And it is so beautiful. Whoever made this needs medals. Lots of f*****g medals. After the first taste, happiness rushes in. So tasty. I can't believe what I am experiencing. It feels like I'm becoming a child again. A very focused child. Focused on eating that is! And now I have consumed too much and need to lie down. But seriously, next time someone comes to your door and asks if you want cookies. You say YES! Nothing like some Girl Scout Cookies. Samoas are my favorite. ... EDIT: Ohh.. the weed. Yea, that was good, too. For a full review, read this review again.

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Eve H. Snyder



This is what I've been smoking recently when I don't need to "do" anything. If you're like me, you'll want to make sure the floor is clear of tripping hazards, your laptop is away from your water, etc. Set out some snacks before you start smoking, and make sure you're in a safe environment. Hybrids generally put me in the couch more than Indica, but GSC makes fine motor skills especially hard. It's also especially dense, in my experience, which made eyeball-measuring my bowl difficult. The first time I smoked this I had a little too much. Stood up, got extremely dizzy (ears ringing, etc.), tried to put my bong back in a high cupboard, fainted, and ended up knocking over a box of crackers that my cat later peed on. It was a mess. (My bong was thankfully okay.) If you're like me, don't hesitate to pack a small bowl and go back for another one if needed.

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Aurora Sparks

Hong Kong


I first thought this strain was a bit weak or at least the batch I had. but then it creeps on you so hard! one of my favorite strains. I don't get the super munchies with it, but food some how tastes amazing no matter what. amazing anxiety reducer and it's a calm head high for me. you can get things done while smoking this strain, but also relax with it.

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Ursa Martin



This is the most beautiful experience I have ever had. I don't feel worthy of the amazing journey this strain has afforded me. I've tried so many strains trying to find a feeling of happiness and this is it. This is heaven. This is life. I just feel so much love for the world. My entire body vibrates. I turned off the oven and decided not to binge eat so that I could meditate instead. Purity and comfort. Beautiful plant.

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Naomi Frank



Great strain! True to Seedsbay's description, it WILL send your mind on a helluva journey! I've had this before a few times, but it seems like this time, it really shines! I strongly recommend smoking this out of a pipe or chillum. Anything with water in it like a bubbler or a bong just cuts down on its potency. Definitely use a small bowl pipe, you don't need alot of it if you're smoking by yourself. It seems like it's similar to White Widow's effects, just more sharper and focused, and hits faster. You'll find yourself completely lost in your thoughts and still have enough functionality to get around in the house to do whatever you need to do before finally chilling and riding out the rest of the high. Like White Widow, its a great meditative strain, super-functional on the mental scale. It's like the strain has a very helpful mind of its own, guiding you closer to solutions of your own issues, kind of like what a Boy Scout or a Girl Scout would do with other people, always lending a helping hand. Learned a great deal as this somehow switched my mind around to the point it's like an ongoing Jeopardy! thing going on. All in all, GREAT time with this strain! I should definitely look into growing some of my own! Watch out for the munchies, though. If you've had alot to eat beforehand, then you should be okay. Smoke happy, friends!

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