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Grape Cola Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Grape Cola cannabis seeds online
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Grape Cola Reviews

What do people have to say about Grape Cola? Read reviews on Grape Cola and know what Grape Cola is all about. Do you have experience with Grape Cola? Write your own review and help other people out!

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  • 3 reviews

  • 100% recommends Grape Cola

  • Last review on 2025-03-06


Noƫ Gautier



If you live again for your visit Denver this is a must try for the indica lovers

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Colette F. Sullivan



i am rocking it !! I love the smoke , nice and potent !! I have worked with the pre 98 bubba kush for years, and it definitely has the kick of the pre 98 along with its grape smell undertones .... I also dig the yields will be in production in my garden for years to come!!

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Indira Tyson

Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands


Good pungent smell and a potent high. Although not so potent it puts me to sleep. One day I will find the ultimate insomnia strain.

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