GG4 Reviews
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100% recommends GG4
Last review on 2025-03-14
Recommended: yes
SOON TO BE TOP !0 STRAIN OF ALL TIME!!!I have 40+ years experience growing and using cannabis, a masters degree in agri/horticulture from MSU and will break each review down as follows from my own personal experience with seeds or clones obtained directly from the original breeders. I received my clone directly from the person that entered it in the 2014 Michigan High Times Cannabis Cup, where it won for the second time taking 1st place. -USE: Hands down one of the best strains around and will soon be on the lists of the best strains of all time. One of the reasons it is so good is because it is the perfect combination of everything, Indica, Sativa, THC content, taste, smell, it's the perfect strain. It's really good for everything and can really be used all day long. I'm not even going to describe anything like effect, what it's good for, taste or potency because you can just fill them all in. The taste is amazing and like everything else, hard to describe because it like walking in a flower shop and asking what flowers you smell. All of them!!LOL -GROW: If you can get you hands on an actual cut, than there is nothing better both indoors and out. Easy to grow, great yield, mold resistance and not to long of a lowering time. Keep in mind that this strain was created by self pollination so you can expect to find hermies and seeds but they are few and far between and shouldn't bother anyone because the end product is so good. Indoors the average finish time is 9-10 depending on the amount of light used. Outdoor: at 42*N latitude it could be picked on Oct. 1st but optimum time is Oct. 10-14th. NOTE: GG4 is pretty easy to spot if you have an actual cut because it's final appearance is pretty unique. Both before picking and after drying the flowers have very few noticeable pistols/red hairs. They just look like large calyx's, covered in heavy trichomes, probably the stickiest stuff I have ever seen, hence the perfect name!
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Kiona Farms Gorilla Glue #4 20% THC Flower: Light green frosted with trycs. Broccoli floret sized nuggets. Smell: Sour diesel, earthy, piney and a little spicy. Crumble: Grinds to a fluff which is denser than expected. That saves you money. Burn: Nice and even, burns quickly and cashes out quickly though like a sativa. Taste: Diesel. Reminds me of that old school New York sour diesel from back in the day. High: The best part about Gorilla Glue #4 is the "smack you in the face, sit you down on the couch and chill the fuck out" effect it has. For long movies or a video game session, this is probably the perfect strain. Where did the time go? Overall Experience: 9.25/10.
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Initial impression: My bud-tender said in the usual tone "what'll it be?" I chirped back, "surprise me, something new from the cannaseur shelf' please". So I was handed a newer strain aptly named "Mother's Milk. The other one was Gorilla Glue #4 (GG)" (reviewed in this post). Needless to say, I was pretty excited about both of these. I sampled this one in a pre-rolled cone form, also rolled with "Raw Cones" thanks to the talented hands of Jazzy J at Medicine Man's Medical Market, located in Glendale, CO. I use a scale of 10 points, 10 being the highest possible score in any category, with 3 total categories, Taste / Aroma / Potency. Aroma: 10.0 (+1.) bonus. This is the highest number of points I have ever awarded any strain for its aroma. The smell from this strain is so unique, I have never smelled anything like it ever. It had an incredibly strong pungent earthy aroma, with overtones of powerful industrial ammonia. Damn, is all I can really say about this strain. Kudos to the growers for this strain, really, it is something special. I would not want to grow a bunch of this indoors, you would need some serious filters, it would smell like a huge uncleaned litter box, in terms of a real strong odor of cat piss. Taste: 9.5 The taste of this bud was something quite different than its scent. Like the aroma, the taste was also heavy. I was glad that the taste of this did not overwhelm me like its aroma. The initial taste of this is more earthy and piney than its smell leads you to believe. Regardless, this is by far the tastiest strain I have had aside from Jenny Kush in quite a while. It was intense, and mellow at the same time. Really a wonderful strain, with lots to offer. Potency: 9.0 The strength of this euphoria was intense. This strain has provided me with one of the more intense body and head highs of any strain that I have reviewed to date. The high came on almost immediately, and was pretty intense in terms of its psychedelic intensity, the body high was great also, I felt lethargically focused, if that makes any sense. I was in full effect of the indica part also, and here is what I mean. I needed a seat belt for reality, but I was intensely focused on the movie I had on, "The Big Lebowski". Final opinion: I thought this strain was really really great! The potency was strong, the aroma was powerful and the taste was exceptional, this is a textbook example of perfection. Great job to all of those involved in the production and distribution of this awesome strain. This strain when they have more will be in my private stash for the really long snow days we get in Denver. I would implore you (the reader) try this strain if you have the means to, it is absolutely worth it. Total points awarded: 29.5 out of 30 (plus 1 bonus point in the aroma category). I would rate this strain 5.0 stars, I feel that this strain deserves every point it earned! This is not a strain for novices. CM~
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Shhh don't tell anybody but I rolled my best shit from my last harvest of this magnificent plant. ..and I smoked it in the Applebee's parking lot and finished it in the movie theater parking lot. ..Shhh don't tell anybody that it's some of the best medicine on the planet. ..damn I'm lit here we go hateful 8. ..
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Bee's Knees? Cat's Pajamas? Although these are incredibly accurate, they do not come close to encompassing my view on Gorilla Glue. When sir Smokes-a-lot gets a pound of Mr. Nice Guy's sweetest cheeba, he immediately notes how he can "smell it through the bag, baby". Well, if you're within 10 yards of this flower, your sense of smell will be climaxing from the sweet piny spice of those little green buds that you just wanna shove them in your mouth and eat them so much, awwwww CRAP........I just licked my computer screen......The effects are unreal chill, and take away my chronic back pain. In fact, sometimes I feel like it takes my back away completely. The sativa effect is most noted in my experience starting out pretty heavy. I noticed this when I was in the bathroom upstairs in my office, of which my wife has been trying to get me to keep the door shut (even when no one is in there). Her solution to get me to remember? To booby trap me with a computer keyboard outside the door, so I would trip and remember to close the door. Not the coolest thing she's ever done, but very effective. I got to thinking, I'm 35 and I remember getting in trouble for messing with the family Apple IIe without permission because my parents thought I would break it somehow. And those things were indestructible, I mean I'm pretty sure I remember having an entire dinner plate firmly inserted into the floppy drive at one point, and that didn't even void the warranty. Nowadays, technology has apparently become so advanced, and electronics have become so common that we are willing to use their components as booby traps to teach our spouses lessons, so we can hopefully save a few cents a month on our electric bill. As I sat there pondering this after inhaling the beautiful pharmaceutical knows as "Gorilla Glue", it occurred to me - This stuff was 100% legit. Not the inconsiderate type of weed that we all smoked in high school because it was the best stuff around at the time. You know, the kind where you're headed out with friends so you pack a bowl at your buddy's parents' house who were out of town before you go out for the night. Then once you're stoned and ready to leave, you gotta wait on your buddy to finish his turkey sandwich, then you start to wish you had snuck another hit or two in the rotation because you're already starting to come down and get the yawns. NO, GG#4 is the kind of considerate weed that holds the door for your mom, texts you on your birthday, and if you spend the night and fall asleep on the couch early - covers you up with a blanket so you don't wake cold. GG hangs with you for the perfect amount of time - doesn't cut out early like your buddies after you have a party at your place who conveniently have to leave right before clean up time. No, GG is there for you. Making sure you are taken care of. Until it lets me down, it's my go to strain. Taste - UNREAL Smell - OFF THE CHARTS Effects - TOTALLY KILLER What more are you really looking for? If you want something that will put you to sleep, this isn't it. If you want something that will give you a full body buzz and no cerebral euphoria, try knocking on some Indica's door, because this gift from God will take you to some untouched realms of your internal psyche and you'll be better for it. But as Lavar Burton used to tell me after Reading Rainbow, - You don't have to take my word for it.
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Menai Bridge
Recommended: yes
Potent resin covered nugs. Gorrilla glue definitely earns it name. Very good effect to it.
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I smoked this strain off and on for a few weeks, I am currently high on this strain. I'm a 35 y/o male, mainly portuguese descent with some American Indian (Native American), and a small mix of others. Type O- blood. I was in a fasted state for 16 hours (Intermittent fasting 8/16) when I smoked some. I started cooking breakfast about ten minutes later, I was slightly agitated prior to smoking and now feel calm, but not out of it. As I was making breakfast I started to cook more, and more. I ate two eggs, french toast, andouille sausage link, 1 cup of blueberries, and was able to finish the entire meal due to the great munchies effect. I feel good, not too up, or too down, but I do feel like relaxing. I'm going to try smoking an equal amount and finish this after about 10 mins or so. I'm back, I took a little more than the first, which I took about two inhales compared to one inhale off a quarter of an average bowl. If you read my other reviews you can compare my moods and see that this one makes me feel more uplifted, but not so much euphoric. I definitely feel the right side of my brain being activated more now that I'm about 15-20 mins out. The second high kicked in - heavy eyes, relaxed muscles, slight chair lock, brain function has declined now, lol, I feel like I'm forcing my brain to concentrate. No negative side effects so far. You can clearly see the difference between dosing a slight amount, and dosing a heavy amount, whereas my larger, second amount is more of what most people describe as the effects of gorilla glue. You could possibly use gorilla glue #4 as a morning (small dose and uplifted, energetic) and nighttime (relaxed, sleepy, reduced tension) cannabis. Have fun experimenting. Where's my couch!
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Grand Rapids
Recommended: yes
Instant favorite. Most POTENT. This is the bees knees, man. Instant head fry from this overly trichy strain. After some hours you get hit HAAAAAARD by the body stone though so make use of your clear head while you can. DID I MENTION POTENT? Smells and flavors of coffee/chocolate are most prominent with an ever so slight chemmy, lemony zest. Sticky doesnt do this strain justice, i cant thik of a better name than gorilla glue; maybe drying cement, oil-based epoxy, i dont know this is just so insanely sticky, and oh yeah POOOOOTEEEEENT.
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