I'm a 33 year old newb so this might be good to read...I don't know...
Dairy Queen is the most perfect end of the week chill out and relax in the sun strain. I know this because it's the end of the week and I just vaped my first bowl of this strain.
I feel very happy and euphoric. My chest feels light, my energy is fantastic, I don't feel like sleeping at all, I just feel good. I'm sitting here typing which means it's fairly functional. The high is at the level I would expect from a strain with this much THC.
The flavor is fantastic. It goes into your lungs smoothly without making you feel like you have to cough or drying you out too much which I find is something that comes from mostly piney flavored strains.
This strain is one of the more interesting ones so far depending on the temperature you're at. Vaping at lower temperatures 185C works somewhat and is worth doing, but then turn the temperature up to 205C and you will get some fantastic feels out of it!
Creativity is pretty good on this. I would say Strawberry Cough is the best strain for creativity that I know of (I'm a total newb, what the fuck do I know?). I was just playing guitar in the sun for like 2 hours though, so I guess creativity is very good.
This strain actually gives you some skills when you're high. It's another strain where I get better on guitar when I'm high. That is not a normal thing for me. If I'm playing live, I don't have a drop of alcohol or my fingers turn into fucking idiots. If I smoke a huge bowl with certain strains such as Strawberry Cough, Cannatonic, or Dairy Queen, I'm better than when I'm sober.
I probably wouldn't fight ninjas on this strain. Not because I couldn't win, but because I don't feel like fighting. If you want to fight while high, don't get this strain.
Pain killery is actually pretty good. I usually have back pain about now, but it's not there.
I smoked about half a bowl in a DaVinci Ascent up to 205C. I have yet to smoke the higher end.
Anyway I don't want to do this anymore. Keep on rockin in the free world fools!
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