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Dairy Queen Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Dairy Queen cannabis seeds online
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Dairy Queen Reviews

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  • 8 reviews

  • 75% recommends Dairy Queen

  • Last review on 2025-03-26



Priolo Gargallo


Strong dank heavy short buds, come with a pleasent bubble gum and vanilla smell as you break em apart with each snap like a large tree branch. This nutty aroma tastes very different to how it smells very herbal and spiced pepper tar as well as diesel tones. I like dairy queen for its dominant sleepy effects when I am very anxiety and fidget cant calm down then diary queen helps me balance out. Great for pain and insomnia not to mention ADHD, and mentality for staying upmore.

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Keefe A. Kidd



almost the perfect strain if people would just keep it around! I had this from a first time grower and it was magnificent all the way around. the taste is light and pleasant, the high is long lasting and uplifting while settling nerves and sending bad thoughts away. I could get much keif from it breaking it up over the screen and still get blazed from it. a great daytime strain or for people that want to feel high but not be couch locked or too day dreamy to get things done.

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Enzo Joly

Castiglione Messer Raimondo


I picked up an eighth of this when i went in to get some eerl because it looked and smelled so incredible. An eighth consisted of 3 buds (I had to weigh it when i got home to make sure). The buds were big, dense, dark green, and frosty with a sweet yet somewhat funky smell. The smoke tasted almost like a cherry creamsicle and was pretty thick. The high was very enjoyable and made me suuuuper creative. After vaping about 4 or 5 trenches from my MFLB on my day of, I had to go on a walk because felt motivated to actually go do something! Wonderful motivating and mentally stimulating strain. Must try for those who enjoy writing! Medicinally it would be great for Depression, Fatigue, Nausea, and Stress.

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Reed Mcconnell



I'm a 33 year old newb so this might be good to read...I don't know... Dairy Queen is the most perfect end of the week chill out and relax in the sun strain. I know this because it's the end of the week and I just vaped my first bowl of this strain. I feel very happy and euphoric. My chest feels light, my energy is fantastic, I don't feel like sleeping at all, I just feel good. I'm sitting here typing which means it's fairly functional. The high is at the level I would expect from a strain with this much THC. The flavor is fantastic. It goes into your lungs smoothly without making you feel like you have to cough or drying you out too much which I find is something that comes from mostly piney flavored strains. This strain is one of the more interesting ones so far depending on the temperature you're at. Vaping at lower temperatures 185C works somewhat and is worth doing, but then turn the temperature up to 205C and you will get some fantastic feels out of it! Creativity is pretty good on this. I would say Strawberry Cough is the best strain for creativity that I know of (I'm a total newb, what the fuck do I know?). I was just playing guitar in the sun for like 2 hours though, so I guess creativity is very good. This strain actually gives you some skills when you're high. It's another strain where I get better on guitar when I'm high. That is not a normal thing for me. If I'm playing live, I don't have a drop of alcohol or my fingers turn into fucking idiots. If I smoke a huge bowl with certain strains such as Strawberry Cough, Cannatonic, or Dairy Queen, I'm better than when I'm sober. I probably wouldn't fight ninjas on this strain. Not because I couldn't win, but because I don't feel like fighting. If you want to fight while high, don't get this strain. Pain killery is actually pretty good. I usually have back pain about now, but it's not there. I smoked about half a bowl in a DaVinci Ascent up to 205C. I have yet to smoke the higher end. Anyway I don't want to do this anymore. Keep on rockin in the free world fools!

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A single bud won't be as pungent as a full jar. My bud wasn't as pungent. It could have been an older bud on top of a newer batch though. Another reviewer mentioned how important it was to them to have a strain that doesn't cause panic/anxiety/paranoia. I am more prone to anxiety attacks and paranoia than most patients, and certain strains will set me off, whether I'm alone or with people. I did not experience any negative side effects from Dairy Queen. This is great for my IBS. I usually end up sitting with my hands on my belly waiting for the bubbling, stabbing pains and swelling to stop when my IBS flares up. Minutes after a dose of Dairy Queen, however, and I was fine. I felt some bubbling (which are actually spasms I think) as usual, but they were weaker, and nothing followed. This strain left me relaxed, euphoric yet clear-headed (at first) and quieted all of the racing thoughts in my mind. I have a lot of noise going on at all times (do we all?). It was nice to have it all hushed for a moment so I can actually assess my thoughts. I felt drowsy about an hour later, but it wore off. I had another dose a few hours later, an hour before the time I usually turn in for the night. I was really tired and ready to go to sleep at a respectable time.

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As a medical grower, this strain is one of my favorites because of all the great benefits it provides both for me personally and for my patients. It is a high yielding plant but a pain to trim because the buds don't get super huge like some of my other strains. She sure is LOUD though...funky cheese smell that's hard to get off your fingers. Smokes great, very smooth and definitely thick...almost like cherry cheese cake milkshakes, if that's such a thing. I love this one so much I keep it in rotation with a personal stash as well.

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Beautiful light green florets with a frosting of trichomes that looks just as delicious as any DQ Blizzard! Being named after America's favorite 1940's frozen treat stand, this cheesey sweet strain has a unique aroma that brings to mind a creamy cherry gelato with a little extra funk. The sweet flavor mix up continues on the palate where it has an interesting balance between a vanilla sweetness and a earthy cheese taste. Heads up, this strains aroma is one that stays around and therefore special caution should be taken when enjoying some Dairy Queen if smell is an issue. Dairy Queen provides an uplifting happy high that is both euphoric and energizing making it the perfect strain for those seeking medical relief for depression, stress, pain, headaches, appetite stimulation and digestive issues.

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Christian Svensson

Saint Paul


Don't remember migraine/nausea scale as I medicated with this strain last night round 2130 or so. Takes 5-10 min to start working. Pain/nausea gone. Tastes like vanilla ice cream with hints of caramel, yum! NO ANIXETY/PARANOIA (an absolute must for me). Head high heavy but not overwhelming. Body high perfect. Not sure if this' an indica dominant or if I was just really tired. Awesome stoner sex with me hubby, yay me! Highly recommend for (@ the least) after work/evening use for pain/nausea! :-)

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