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Crystal Coma Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Crystal Coma cannabis seeds online
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Crystal Coma Reviews

What do people have to say about Crystal Coma? Read reviews on Crystal Coma and know what Crystal Coma is all about. Do you have experience with Crystal Coma? Write your own review and help other people out!

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  • 8 reviews

  • 88% recommends Crystal Coma

  • Last review on 2025-03-20


Eaton T. Henry



A rare Sativa. Delivers Indica like sedation. Drops a heavy hammer. Left me feeling like everyone noticed how crazy baked I was... Forgot everything on my agenda. Fell asleep sucking on a dumb dumb. Woke up with the sucker stuck dead center on my forehead. Got up and looked in the mirror and... I was like a unicorn. Thanks for the ride Crystal Coma. (I'm surprised I can remember anything)

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Wow. Just WOW. Here is a real in depth review of what i have just fucking felt... If you are a person with a type B personality ( Creative thinker/ artist mindset / sensitive / insecure ) this will pierce all of the layers of you. This will bring you back to old times. Smoke enough of it and you will have an overflow of emotions and energy flow into you. If you smoke kush because you feel alone. This will re-evaluate everything that you are going through in your life and will put it right in front of your face. If your looking for a challenge this kush is not for the faint of hearts...so be warned! will make you feel super emotional. The euphoria rush is remnant of pure MDMA. Crystal come has an Earthy taste, with a hint of lemon. Smoothest kush ive smoked on exhale with minimal coughs ( i was sick tho ) When people say "rare" i mean my dispensary had only 16g of this at its disposal. Crystal come is a diamond in the sand. Smoke it wisely brothas!

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Almost identical to supersilver haze, but with an added cheesyness(in a good way)!!! Very well rounded sativa that mist indica smokers could appreciate;)

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Whoopi E. Reeves



Wow it is the best one I have tried so far this is one you might want to take before you go to sleep. It has a smooth taste to it you'll be up for a while and next thing you know boom your in Bed K.O.!

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Crystal comaaa, I am in a crystal coma. Ridiculously hard-hitting for a sativa, I picked up some of this bc the reviews on Seedsbay made it sound cool. Effects: initially there's an intense rush of relaxation/happiness/euphoria. This is one of the most euphoric strains I've ever had actually. Then a light, weird body load kicks in and it's like you're stoned several ways at once. It's hard to describe…it's not a more cerebral strain like sativas tend to be. You're not getting any important thinking done in a crystal coma. You won't want to. But at the same time it's a very active strain and I didn't feel weighed down at all. Experience: Crystal Coma smells citrusy and sour, but when you smoke it it tastes sweet and leaves an aftertaste in your mouth like you had a piece of candy half an hour ago, which, again is…strange but ultimately awesome.

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Wow, this is a really rare strain, it's so powerful that I can't even describe it. First thing you feel is happiness and energy. Then u get really hungry. If u don't eat, u will be in a come *KaBooM*

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Petra Mayer

San Diego


Holy fuck I am higher than a giraffes gash! I am laying in bed, floating through the universe in rocket ship made of solely cotton and feather.. and believe I have come up with the answer to the age old question "What's next for evolution?". See, I believe the only thing left for us humans to do on this planet is to kill each other. A mass extinction of humans, a mass extinction of civilisation. Animals will then evolve, becoming bigger, stronger and more smarter. In effect a restart of intelligent life. I maybe smoked a little too much. Buy this shit at all costs. Smoke it all.

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Aurelia C. Emerson

Costa Rica


My boyfriend and I have been smoking this all weekend, and we've agreed that it's our favorite strain. It smells a little like coffee, but it has a spicey taste with a hit of a diesel flavor. Makes your body tingly, and definitely causes the giggles.

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