Well. I finally found it. The perfect strain for ME personally. This is- without a doubt -my absolute FAVORITE strain to date!!
It was this strain that got me hooked on their extracts.
If your dispensary has any concentrates made by UTOPIA, and you have yet to try anything from them, TRY SOME. You will not regret it.
While they do an AMAZING job on all of their concentrates, C. Banana is kind of their flagship strain, so to speak. The batch of C. Banana Cured Resin I'm currently dabbing on has a THC content of 81%, with 0.2% CBD.
This strain is incredible for pain, nausea, inflammation, appetite stimulation- basically anything you could possibly use Cannabis for medically, this strain will excel at treating your symptoms.
And the recreational effects are just a beautiful, happy, uplifting, soaring buzz that's mellow as all hell. =D
And the taste.. the taste! MWAH! Absolutely delicious, you will NOT be disappointed. This strain is pure groovy, psyched-out goodness. If you can get this strain (especially if it's from UTOPIA themselves), don't sleep on it.
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