A pleasant reprieve, Deep, moss green buds overrun with a tangle of orange hairs. Thin layers of frost give the impression of dew on a freshly cut lawn.
A faint cherry/stone fruit scent can be picked up, but the smell is mostly earthy, and a little pungent. Smoke is smooth, with an interesting cardamon/star anise flavor that reminds of Indian sweets. (or clove cigarettes) It's an exotic taste that I became rather fond of.
High is even, and mellow with a very easing contentment that settles in. Though indica dominant in genetics, it feels more Sativa. High seems to center in the head, and while it can be a bit dreamy, high is fairly lucid, and is great for getting absorbed in a project.
Overall, while this strain might not make dedicated pot enthusiasts raise any eyebrows, it's approachable nature, and ability to be appropriate for a wide range of activities, or times of day make this an awesome strain for those new to smoking, or anyone who just wants a practical, day to day strain.
Great with all your favorite things, or finding some space in between all the things that aren't .
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