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Cherry Pie Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Cherry Pie cannabis seeds online
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Cherry Pie Reviews

What do people have to say about Cherry Pie? Read reviews on Cherry Pie and know what Cherry Pie is all about. Do you have experience with Cherry Pie? Write your own review and help other people out!

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  • 8 reviews

  • 75% recommends Cherry Pie

  • Last review on 2025-02-21


Madhula Khan



First off I am not a smoker at all. I haven't ever smoked in my 35 yrs of life; however, my panic/anxiety got the better of me when I unfortunately had no medication and I couldn't get a refill. I was blessed with 1 drag of this particular strain and I have to say it changed my life. I now have my card and only smoke when I need it, maybe a couple times a month. This strain does not make me feel high, paranoid, or out of it. Time goes by as normal, it makes me feel normal and gives me my life back.

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Cherry pie has a humble yet beautiful look. The lightish green bud is speckled with orange hairs. This strain rides down easy, being a softer inhale. The high definitely takes a few minutes to fully hit the smoker. While it does have a pretty strong head affect, it still relaxes the body just slightly enough to allow the smoker to remain productive if so desired. The flavor of this strain was that of a very faint black cherry. This bud provided a euphoric feeling often leaving me with outrageous, yet controllable giggles. It definitely a great strain for some silly laughing. I felt a sense of creativity, and intuneness with music on this weed. I wouldn't say its the best I've had, it is definitely a quality strain.

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Alto del Carmen


I came across some Cherry Pie OG that tested at 33% THC!! Intense!!! Strong hitting, long lasting head high.

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Granddaddy purp and Durban poison two of my favorites make up this totally killer strain. I got this one as a shake bag (a very killer bag from my dispensary, by the way) and it knocked me on my butt! I'm a veteran smoker and it takes a quality flower to impress me, this Cherry Pie wins first prize. No lie, Very pleasant smelling and tasting as well. Heavy cerebral stone, but good energy. Another tastee go to strain, Highly recommend.

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I am not easily impressed. Cherry pie however did something not even my beloved Blue Dream does. It made me smile. We aretalking Cheshire style! My anxiety literally melted away in a sea of tongue caressing sweet vapor. Thank you OG Kush genetics! Lovely to have you here. While sitting amazed at how this wonder of natural medicine had effected me so quickly with its gentile calming effects, I started to feel the purple tendrils of its GDP side start to crawl up the back of my brain and gently sliding behind my eyes. The euphoria rush kicked in, helping to dissipate my sciatica and scoliosis pain like the expent cloud of vapors from my lungs. Next, the tendrils coiled like a python constricting its prey for a long meal. It seems gentle, but its powerful and there to stay and enjoy itself for a while. Lastly, you ask about creativity? Well, I am writing this review, aren't I? =)

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Kylynn Figueroa

Hudson Bay


Cherry pie smells delicious, and the taste on the exhale has a fantastic kick of cherry pie taste. I have pretty bad cramps/pms and this strain immediately alleviated my pain. Add a side of giggles and happiness also.

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Eleonor Karlsson



Just got done finishing a full bowl(about 8-10 full hits, bowl holds about half a gram or just a little over) after having a late night and smoking 2-3 grams, last smoking it at midnight. Had a refresh(went to bed at 1:00AM, woke up at 10:00AM) and didn't think this was going to really do anything. WOW WAS I WRONG. I suffer from a hiatal hernia in my esophagus that causes heartburn, loss of appetite, and nausea. I wake up with these 3 symptoms every morning. After having smoked that bowl approximately 15 minutes ago, I no longer feel heartburn or nauseas and I'm about ready to eat a full bowl of cereal. I also suffer from back pain due to severely knotted muscles and a dislocated disk in my lower lumbar region of my spine. This strain takes care of most of the pain, but as you can imagine, when the high runs out, the pain comes out. But for the duration of the high, I'm not bothered by my back's natural pain. Only if I'm high and am doing heavy lifting does it still hurt at times. Migraines are something I've been experiencing recently for the past few months. I wake up with one each morning, smoke the size bowl described, and voila! It disappears once I notice it's gone. That's how well this strain does of taking care of migraines. For recreational use, I would recommend something with less of a sativa and more of an indica. Don't get me wrong, if you just wanna smoke with some buddys and get high, you'll get high and have a great time on this strain! But not the kind of high you want. I guess you could say its not a very "social" high because you'll find yourself much less talkative. At least I did lol. All in all, this strain is great for a lot of diseases, especially in the spine, stomach, and head regions.

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HernĂ¡n Jara

Costa Rica


EVERYBODY!!! CHERRY PIE IS NOT OG X GRANDDADDY!. THE TRUE CROSS IS GRANDDADDY PURP X DURBAN POISON!!!!!! That is true cherry pie. if your shit is something other than that then it is not cherry pie. I cant believe Seedsbay has their shit saying its og x gdp. that is gods gift. Well, true cherry pie reeks of cookies and you can definitely see both the durban and gdp in the bud. very nice structure reminiscent of both strains, quite frosty, and really nice mixes of purp from the gdp, its a beautiful bud. the durban smell combines with the grapey sweetness of the gdp to make and amazing smell, some of the best smelling buds their are. half of the infamous girl scout cookies cross, cherry pie hits hard with a powerful and strong indica high that leaves you stoned as fuck and with an cookies flavor in your mouth. CHERRY PIE IS FUCKING KILL 10/10.

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