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Bruce Banner Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Bruce Banner cannabis seeds online
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Bruce Banner Reviews

What do people have to say about Bruce Banner? Read reviews on Bruce Banner and know what Bruce Banner is all about. Do you have experience with Bruce Banner? Write your own review and help other people out!

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  • 9 reviews

  • 100% recommends Bruce Banner

  • Last review on 2025-03-26


Malik I. Murphy



Picked up a eighth of this today from a reliable dispensary. Instantly I noticed that my attitude was happier focused and most importantly made me feel better.if you can't deal with your stress or problems I mediately took a hit of this and it fixed it within five minutes I highly recommend the strain;for those who are having anxiety ADD problems ADD ADHD bipolar disorder PTSD PMS mood disorders Tourette's syndrome OCD and pain. If you have your worms or negativity or even just thing was distracting you and you can't focus or get anything done take a hit a bruise better and you've already won!

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🚀...This Sativa-Social, Indica-Ideal Hybrid is the perfect balanced mellow/energetic up-mood-elevating Medicine!..Quite ethereal head-in-the-clouds, perfect for cloud watching over the Sedona vortex...Enhances my intuitive readings, crystal healings, body-mind-spirit chakra balancing/healing work...Inspiration, Motivation, Patience, Compassion, Peace, Trust, Wisdom, Tranquility, Grace, Beauty, Love...BodyMelt Alert!! Pain Zapper--Stress Blaster!!...kind, even, steady, calm "Can Do" 24/7/365!...✌Jah🚀...

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Keaton Blake



Dr. David Banner: Physician, scientist, cannabis? Radiation hasn't changed my body chemistry, but something has vastly altered my brain chemistry... This shit is potent! I even stopped writing this review to watch the Quiet Room episode of The Incredible Hulk. Sweet, diesel-esque buds covered in shiny trichomes with such high THC percentage it wouldn't be unreasonable to leave a vacancy in the headspace where yr ego used to live. Highly recommended for crisp, sunny mornings.

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Aquila O. Fulton



I love this Colorado Classic! It has everything I want in a smoke. Looks great, smells good, tastes fine, and most certainly does the job! Bruce Banner is kinda heavy hitting and fast acting, coming on with a heavy buzz that lingers off slowly.

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🚀...I'm sooo high, Good mornin!!..Out of Chronic Pain and Out of Sight with the Bruce!.. 11 STAR!!...Feelin' Up-Mellow, Mindful, Calm, Motivated and Energized.. ready to-gooo.... Feels like a Stress-Free day😍 Inflamation is Reduced and PTSD is Pacified.. no AM mind chatter while tokin BB😙. I'm Totally Baked after 2 HOOKA water bowls for Wake 'n Bake.. SO Smiley, Focused and Fun, the Peaced-Out energy of BB enhances my AM Yoga and keeps me gooooing for several hours... A perfectly Balanced Hybrid for this hippy chick..Be Well! ✌💋💚🚀🚀

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BEST. WEED. EVER. Happy af, clear enough headed, can get things done, good sex. It's a bright and happy high!

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🍆💪 Bruce Banner lives up to it's name! Chem Soda F1 x Starfighter x Coal Creek Kush x Strawberry Diesel! What a fantastic lineage. No wonder this strain has such a wild blend of effects. This sativa-dominant hybrid gives you an intense cerebral blast of motivation and creativity, followed by a very powerful body high. I was very surprised with how I felt from one hour to the next. Bruce packs a punch and is an amazing afternoon strain. Deep Roots Harvest did a fantastic job this time around! Great terpene profile! I had to review this strain again because it got me SO STONED I FORGOT I REVIEWED IT! a-Pinene: 6.08 mg/g, b-Myrcene: 3.11 mg/g, b-Pinene, 2.10 mg/g, Limonene: 2.02 mg/g, Linalool: 1.82 mg/g.

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Fiona S. Welch



My hands down favorite strain! I'm one of those smokers who typically gets couchlocked and lazy easily, so most of my experiences have been occasionally inconsistent with reviews for some hybrid strains. Typically a 1/4 a week smoker, but I swear I smoked a 1/2 of this in a week because it was so good and I was even able to get more done than usual, as well what felt like driving with a pretty high degree of focus (only incredibly relaxed). I think the only thing remotely problematic with having this strain was that I had to buy a small supply of indica for my insomnia because this DEFINITELY doesn't help with that. ;)

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