Image of Blueberry seeds

Blueberry Reviews

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  • 8 reviews

  • 100% recommends Blueberry

  • Last review on 2018-05-24


Patrick Valenzuela

Falkland Islands


Great strain very euphoric, and relaxing but still uplifting, after a few hours it can deffinetly lend itself to a good night's sleep. Great for evenings when you have time to relax. Great flavor and smell. Pretty much all around a great strain.

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Chancellor X. Walsh



Absolutely in LOVE with Blueberry. My old summer fling had this stuff and I remember our day spent at a lake was out-of-this-world. I decided to try it out again when I found a new dispensary which carried it. I tell you, if you have social anxiety or any kind of anxiety, this stuff just MELTS it away. I went to a local gig and the venue is sort of a trigger for my anxious feelings. When I tried this before I went in, the thoughts of what people were thinking of me were almost non-existent. I was able to fully RELAX for once, and not care about what people thought or if I was "impressing" people the "right" way. You feel like a regular person in the best possible way, like you are one of many awesome people in the crowd. AH, cannot praise enough. I love this stuff. Great overall high, you feel happy, and super ~chill~ and it will help you sleep like a baby at the right time when the nights over.

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vaped some of this right before I decided to give myself an at-home spa night. I was feeling very relaxed after my bath and putting lotion on my face and rubbing it in felt incredible. I had my eyes closed and I was imagining that I was about 18 years old. I felt so young and beautiful. Then I opened my eyes and I looked like a female Jim Breuer. it was scary and kind of ruined the high. I kept trying to make my eyes more open so I would look better but I couldn't. I just went to bed

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Please be careful with this strain! Let me start by saying I grew this myself from seed 100% organically, so I know it's not laced or weird or mysterious in any way. Now listen up - this is a very potent strain man! We are experienced smokers and if we smoke too much Blueberry we all get crazy dizzy to the point of being sick (vomiting, weak, shakes, sweats) and passing out! It's a little scary. If you do not respect how chronic this strain is, it can make you feel really bad and sick, like drinking too much alcohol. That said, it's a very good strain if you use it responsibly. Moderation is key. You can get really, really high off Blueberry in a really good way. But, it has a dizzy negative that can spiral out of control if you take too much, and that can result in you passed out by a toilet somewhere and no one wants that. So please take it easy with this super potent strain until you know how much you can handle. We learned the hard way last night! Might just be this plant I grew but, just a word of warning man. Peace and stay safe.

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I felt like a warm blueberry muffin after I vaped this...

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Korea, South


The only thing that tops the magnificent blueberry smell are the feelings of relaxation, calm, and focus. It feels like a Sativa in many ways except that this can also ease me to sleep if that's what I'm after. Nothing beats some sticky blueberry. The blueberry smell and taste are awesome!

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Nolan Rodriguez



Bubbles of fruit carry me towards the heaven where I shall finally meet THC Jesus. If you are reading this you have been blessed by him, puff puff pass it on

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Aidan Clemons



I feel like I'm wearing a hat. But I'm definitely not wearing a hat.

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