Experience: A heavy high, slight tingling in the fingertips; inebriating, sedating, spacy, and slow. An opioid-like high, as if drinking a bottle of cough syrup, but without the paranoia. Relaxes the muscles in your face and body. Smoke it and become a soft, space-marshmallow…
Usage: Would recommend for nighttime. Best to unplug and go to bed.
Look/Feel: She’s a rich dark purplish green, bushy and dense. The buds are covered with small to huge, shiny white crystals, with light tan hairs.
Smell: A hint of blueberry while in the jar. Fresh cut grass, pine and peppermint with a menthol scent after grinding.
Taste/Smoke: Very light, floral, cinnamon flavor makes for a clean and light smoke.
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