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Black Haze Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Black Haze cannabis seeds online
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Black Haze Reviews

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  • 8 reviews

  • 100% recommends Black Haze

  • Last review on 2025-03-28


Sara Samuelsson

Castiglione di Sicilia


One word: wow. Slow clap. This is a phenomenal sativa-dominant hybrid, calming while remaining cerebral and energetic. Awesome visual effects, a walk outside was incredible. Gave me the munchies something fierce though. This was a hand-roll from Mister Bills of Buckley. I normally vape, but treated myself with a J which may be why I found it so delightful.

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Phyllis Sherman



Good strain, but the taste isn't the best.

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Got this at Old Toby in Chehalis, WA. See pictures and detailed reviews on my blog - AgingEnt.com -- Brand: OMG Sykes Strain: Black Haze Sativa-dominant Hybrid-- Potency Analysis: TTL 22.23% THC 22.17% CBD 0.05% -- Packaging: 5.25" x 3.25" orange and clear mylar-backed plastic rip-top zip-top bag Cost: $15/gram -- This beautiful marijuana smells so deliciously good. It's super pungent, a deep earthy smell. There's sharp woody smells like pine planks in the sun, and resinous, rich smells. I sat with a couple pieces of the smaller nugget in my fingers and smelling them. I would put some pressure on the flower and twist a bit, to release all those beautiful terpenes. I had these basically pressed right up into my nostrils just immersing myself in this majestic scent. -- The flavor was not quite as overwhelming as the smell. It was a great flavor, just not very strong. The resinous, piney flavor came through very lightly in the bottom of the mouth and the earthy, pungent smell didn't really carry over to the smoke as much as I'd like. -- What I'm saying is, If the smell was a [7] intensity, the flavor was a [4] intensity. -- The high is delightfully stoney - a bit dumb and lost. I keep double-checking to make sure I did that thing I was supposed to do a few minutes ago, then forgot what I was supposed to be doing then. Hell, I can't even keep track of the tense within which I'm writing this post! -- There's a mild body effect, some loosening of joints and mild relaxation, but mostly this is has head high. Overall, this outstanding looking and smelling flower is a great sativa, delicious and heady.

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oh brother! you have to examine this one closely. there are so many colors in it! they remind me of autumn with their deep shades of green and purple. I enjoyed finger busting this one down to catch the aromas bursting forth: very subtle flavors only those with clean palettes can appreciate. I'm not the type but I managed to rip a few hits that didn't make me cough and experienced some earthy tones with a tad of sweetness. I love the high and the come down is nonexistent. it just sort of dawns on you that you're not high anymore after about hour and a half to two hours. it's a real calm high for me and kind of activates in the background. you know you're high but you're not overwhelmed by it. there are body feelings with it as well but nothing that will.make you drowsy or unmotivated. the head high is clear and focused, maybe too focused! I remember being a little too involved with a project and having my firm remove the kids so they would stop bothering me. I'd definitely buy it again.

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Its old school people havent been growing it cause it takes a long time to grow cause its that fuego

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Anders Andersson



This strain is a great value. You should be able to find it at a lower price point. I vape and it performs well in my Pax2. The flower yields a nice earthy flavor with an abundance of vapor. The high is a nice balance of uplifting effects with no paranoia and a hint of muscle relaxation. Grown by Pioneer Nuggets. They are a pretty good grower.

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Scary High.

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