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Ancient OG Reviews & Ratings - Read reviews on Ancient OG cannabis seeds online
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Ancient OG Reviews

What do people have to say about Ancient OG? Read reviews on Ancient OG and know what Ancient OG is all about. Do you have experience with Ancient OG? Write your own review and help other people out!

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  • 8 reviews

  • 100% recommends Ancient OG

  • Last review on 2025-03-28



Cache Creek


Love the taste of this. Very different from OG. It's sweet, kinda tropical punch tasting. Had it in a vaporizer, very smooth and light. Very pleasant smoked or vaped. Effects are potent though! I felt it throughout my body and very couchlocking. This is AMAZING for sleep.

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while the batch I got did little to resemble a kush it was very good smoke. went right to the brain and challenged me to consider it a little differently. I am huge fan of land races and I don't recall partaking in any Persian. Well hats off to the final product. This is not for breakfast or for making new friends. This is for relaxing and nodding off to a special place I can wondernapland. you know how your mind races when you lay there and try and go to sleep, this provides a yellow flag !

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Very strong bud. Definitely not for starters. This is like a super nova indica that will turn you into a Salvador Dali painting. It comes with waves of electricity that almost neutralize you. and they just get stronger. Intense smell, arm super tasty. An overall exquisite bud, with a diesel-ass punch.

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Wish this was around more often! Probably 1 of the best OG's out there IMO. It's earthy, leathery with just a but if funk. Bred with a landrace Iranian Indica it's all in the genetics. It's very smooth, had a good flushing albeit, very tasty and dense and also densely covered in sugary tricombs and fragrant oil's. It's great for numbing your body to sleep, appetite stimulation and sleep, say a nightine med but I like the byzz during the day as well, Indicas are my buds of choice. Would definetly reccomend.

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Ancient OG is definitely a night time strain. Don't plan on doing anything besides unwinding or having one on one interactions, I do not recommend for group smoking sessions, it can cause an anti-social effect. I've discovered that I tend to repeat words and have no awareness of reality. So sit back, pack a bowl and drift off into your own world away from all your worries and cares.

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Sanna Eriksson



I had the pleasure of smoking some Ancient Og and fell in love with this strain instantly.. The flavor and high were off the charts! It has a very trippy mild psychadelic edge to the high which I attribute to one half of this strain being of landrace iranian genetics. I personally would just call this strain the ancient because it just isn't og kushy or plain old kushy at all. It has great bag appeal and trich coverage sweet lemon slightly tropical flavor and a great high. I highly reccomend trying this strain.

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Virgin Islands, United States


Nice mellow high made me feel like I was 1000 years old and made of stone

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Crescente Ruiz



Dabbing on some Ancient OG Shatter, from Badfish Extracts. It's a very heavy indica, that's for sure. Some solid dopey, and euphoric feelings. This fire oil actually put me on the nod. A highly recommended powerful strain for chronic pain, and cancer symptoms.

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